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Selenium Interview Questions and Answer For Freshers and Experienced

January 4, 2025
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Selenium Interview Questions and Answer for Freshers

1. What is Selenium?
Selenium is a freely available framework designed for the automation of web applications. It provides a set of tools and libraries to interact with web browsers, allowing testers and developers to automate the testing and interaction of web applications. 
2. What are the Selenium suite components?

The Selenium suite comprises several components, including Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, and Selenium Remote Control (now deprecated). These components serve different purposes in automating web applications.

3. Enumerate the benefits of utilising Selenium as an automation tool.
  • Cross-browser compatibility: Selenium supports multiple browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and others.
  • Platform independence: Selenium is compatible with various operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Support for multiple programming languages: Selenium supports languages like Java, Python, C#, and more.
  • Open source: Being open-source, Selenium is freely available for use and has a large community for support.
  • Extensibility: Selenium can be integrated with other tools and frameworks for advanced test automation.
4. Outline the drawbacks associated with employing Selenium as a testing tool.
  • Limited support for desktop applications.
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners.
  • Lack of built-in reporting features.
  • No support for handling CAPTCHA and barcode readers.
  • Slower execution compared to some commercial tools.
5. Define automation testing and highlight its advantages.

Automation testing is the use of software tools to execute pre-scripted tests on a software application. Advantages include:

  • Faster execution of repetitive test cases.
  • Consistency in test execution.
  • Increased test coverage.
  • Improved accuracy in test results.
  • Efficient utilisation of resources.
6. Explain the different exceptions in Selenium WebDriver.

Exceptions in Selenium are similar to exceptions in other programming languages. The most common exceptions in Selenium are:

  • TimeoutException: This exception is thrown when a command operating does not complete in the stipulated time.
  • NoSuchElementException: This exception is thrown when an element with given attributes is not found on the web page.
  • ElementNotVisibleException: This exception is thrown when the element is present in DOM (Document Object Model) but not visible on the web page.
    StaleElementException: This exception is thrown when the element is deleted or no longer attached to the DOM.
7. What is the purpose of JavaScriptExecutor?
JavaScriptExecutor is an interface that provides a method to execute Javascript through the Selenium WebDriver. It provides โ€œexecutescriptโ€ and โ€œexecuteAsyncScriptโ€ methods to run JavaScript in the selected frame or window context. An example of that is:

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; 
8. How do you scroll down to a specific element?
To scroll down to a specific element on a web page, we can use the function scrollIntoView(). Example:

((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", element);
9. What are the different types of frameworks?

The different types of frameworks are:

  • Data-Driven Framework: A data-driven framework is one in which all the test data are derived from external files like Excel, CSV, XML, or a database table.
  • Keyword-Driven Framework: In a keyword-driven framework, only the instructions and operations are documented in a separate file, such as an Excel worksheet.
  • Hybrid Framework: Integrating both the Data Driven framework and the Keyword Driven framework is called the Hybrid framework.
10. Which files can be used as data sources for varied frameworks?

Some file types that can be used as data sources are Excel, XML, text, CSV, etc.

11. What is the difference between a Page Object Model (POM) and a Page Factory?
Page Object ModelPage Factory
It is a class that represents the web page and has functionality.It is a way to initialise the web elements within the page object when the instance is created.
12. What are the limitations of Selenium testing?
  • No dedicated support: Selenium is open-source, so it lacks official tech support for user issues.
  • Web applications only: Selenium is mainly for web apps. Testing mobile or desktop apps requires extra tools like Appium.
  • No image testing: Selenium does not support testing images directly.
  • No built-in reports or management: TestNG or JUnit is needed for test reporting and management.
    Programming knowledge needed: Some basic programming skills are required to use Selenium effectively.
13. Which browsers/drivers can Selenium Webdriver support?

Selenium WebDriver works with a variety of browsers, including:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari
  • Opera

This makes it flexible for testing across different browser environments.

14. What is Selenium 4, and why is it different from other versions of Selenium?

Selenium 4 is the latest version of the Selenium testing tool. It brings new features and betterments over older versions. It offers better support for modern web testing needs, with updated browser compatibility, enhanced debugging, and user-friendly updates for testing purposes.

15. What will happen if I execute this command: driver.get?

This command will prompt the Selenium WebDriver to open the specified URL in the web browser.

16. Mention the purpose of X-path.

X-Path is used to find the WebElement in web pages. It is also helps in identify the dynamic elements.

17. State the difference between type keys and type commands.

TypeKeys() will trigger JavaScript events in most cases, whereas .type() wonโ€™t. Type key initialises the value attribute using JavaScript, whereas .typekeys() simulates the user typing.

18. What is the difference between verify and assert commands?

Assert: Assert checks whether an element is on the page or not. The test will stop if the step fails and the asserted element is not available. In other words, when the check fails, the test will terminated.

Verify: The verify command will check whether the element is on the page; if it is not available, then the test will be executed. In verification, all the commands will run irrespective of whether the tests fail.

19. What are Listeners in Selenium?

It is defined as an interface that changes the behaviour of the system. Listeners allow the customisation of reports and logs. Listeners are of two types:

  • WebDriver listeners
  • TestNG listeners
20. What are all testing types supported by Selenium WebDriver?
Selenium Webdriver can be used to perform automated functional and regression testing.

Selenium Interview Questions and Answer for Experienced

Selenium Interview Questions for 1 Year Experience

1. Why is Selenium a preferred choice as a testing tool for web applications or systems?

Selenium is preferred for web applications due to its:

  • Cross-browser and platform compatibility.
  • Support for multiple programming languages.
  • Extensive community support.
  • Open-source nature, making it cost-effective.
  • Integration capabilities with various tools and frameworks.
2. What is Selenese? Explain different types of Selenium commands.

Selenese is the language used by Selenium to write test scripts. Different types of Selenium commands include:

  • Actions: Interactions like click, type, select, etc.
  • Accessors: Retrieving values from the UI.
  • Assertions: Verifying expected conditions.
  • Waits: Pausing execution until a certain condition is met.
3. Explain the concept of a locator and provide examples of different types present in Selenium.

Locators are used to identify web elements on a page. Examples include:

  • ID:driver.findElement("elementId"))
  • Name: driver.findElement("elementName"))
  • XPath: driver.findElement(By.xpath("//xpathExpression"))
  • CSS Selector: driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("cssSelector"))
4. What is the exception test in Selenium?

The exception test in Selenium involves handling exceptions that may occur during script execution. It ensures graceful handling of errors and prevents script termination.

5. Elaborate on the disparities between the "findElement()" and "findElements()" functions in Selenium, supported by relevant examples.

The "findElement()" function yields the initial matching element, whereas "findElements()" provides a collection of all matching elements. For example:
WebElement element = driver.findElement("elementId"));
List <WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.className("className"));

6. How can you create a test case in Selenium WebDriver?

The fundamental steps to develop a test case using Selenium WebDriver are:

  1. Open a web browser
  2. Go to a specific web page
  3. Engage with web elements
  4. Execute operations on those elements
  5. Check for the desired outcomes
7. How can you identify a WebElement using Selenium WebDriver? 

Multiple strategies can be used to identify WebElements, including using name, partial link test, link test, ID, class name, and tag name.

8. What distinguishes findElement() from findElements() in Selenium WebDriver?

The findElement() method retrieves a single WebElement that corresponds to the given locator, whereas findElements() returns a collection of all WebElements that match the specified locator.

9. What is the contrast between getText() and getAttribute() in Selenium WebDriver?

The getText() method returns the text that is visible within a WebElement, while getAttribute() provides the value of a specified attribute associated with that WebElement.

10. What is the key difference between Selenium 2.0 and Selenium 3.0?

Selenium 2.0 is a tool that makes the development of automated tests for web applications easier. It merges the original Selenium project with the WebDriver project. Selenium RC has been outdated since the merge but was used for backward compatibility.

Selenium 3.0 is the extended version of Selenium 2.0. It is fundamentally backwards compatible and does not rely on Selenium RC. The latest version includes various bug fixes and improved stability.

11. What are the different types of annotations used in Selenium?

Different types of annotations that are used in Selenium include:

  • @Test - This annotation is used to mark a method as a test method
  • @BeforeMethod - This annotation is used to execute a method before each test method
  • @AfterMethod - This annotation is used to execute a method after each test method
  • @BeforeClass - This annotation executes a technique before the first test method.
12. What is the method to select the nth-child element with the help of XPath?

You can select the nth-child element using XPath with the following expression: (//parent-element/*)[n].

13. Explain the difference between single and double slash in X-path.

Single slash โ€˜/ โ€™
Single Slash (/): This initiates a selection from the document node and allows you to form โ€˜absoluteโ€™ path expressions.

Double Slash (//): This starts a selection that can match elements anywhere within the document, enabling the creation of โ€˜relativeโ€™ path expressions.

14. What are the steps to capture screenshots using Selenium WebDriver?

You can capture a screenshot by utilising the TakeScreenshot function. The getScreenshotAs() method allows you to save that screenshot. Example:
File scrFile = ((TakeScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(outputType.FILE);

15. Is it possible to enter a text without sendKeys()?

Yes, it is possible. We can enter or send a text without using the sendKeys() method. This can be done using JavaScriptExecutor. The DOM method of identification of an element can be used to go to that particular document, get the element by its ID (login) and then send the text by value.

Take a look at the below sample code:
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
jse.executeScript("document.getElementById(โ€˜Login').value=Test text without sendkeys");

16. How will you log in to sites if a popup asks for password and username authentication?

As there will be a pop-up during the login process, it's essential to use the command explicitly to check for the presence of the alert. We should only input the username and password credentials if the alert is displayed. Below is a sample code demonstrating the explicit wait command and how to verify the alert.

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
Alert alert = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent());
alert.authenticateUsing(new UserAndPassword(**username**, **password**));

17. What is the method to conduct a code block in TestNG?

To byepass a particular test method in TestNG, you can set the 'enabled' attribute of the test annotation to false. For example:

@Test(enabled = false)

The 'enabled' parameter is set to true, so it is unnecessary to explicitly state it as true when declaring the annotation.

18. Explain various ways of locating an element in Selenium.

It is possible to locate an element in Selenium with the help of:

  • Name
  • CSS Selector
  • Tag name
  • Partial link text
  • Classname
  • Link text
  • Xpath
  • Identification
19. Is it possible to test APIs or web services using Selenium Webdriver?

The fundamental purpose of Selenium WebDriver is when application testing. Hence it is not possible to use it to test APIs or web services.

20. Explain the Same Origin Policy and how it is used.

The Same Origin Policy is a security mechanism implemented in web browsers which restricts a script on one webpage from accessing content on another webpage unless both share the same origin (including the URL scheme, hostname, and port). This policy is vital for preventing harmful scripts from one site from obtaining sensitive information from another.

For instance, a JavaScript application running on can interact with all pages within Googleโ€™s domain (like or, but it cannot access content from different domains (such as

To bypass this restriction, Selenium RC created a server that functions as a proxy, making it appear that Selenium and the web application originate from the same source. This allows Selenium to conduct tests on applications across different domains with greater flexibility.

Selenium Interview Questions for 2 Years Experience

1. What is XPath in Selenium? Explain XPath Absolute and XPath Relative.

XML documents can be navigated using XPath. XPath is frequently employed in Selenium to identify elements on a webpage.

  • XPath Absolute: Specifies the complete path from the root element.
  • XPath Relative: Specifies the path from the current node or a selected node.
2. In XPath, what is the difference between "/" and "//"?

"/" in XPath denotes the direct child, while "//" denotes any descendant. For example, "/div" looks for a direct child "div," and "//div" looks for any descendant "div" at any level.

3. Clarify the distinctions between the "type" and "typeAndWait" commands in the context of Selenium.

In Selenium, "type" is used to enter text into a text field, while "typeAndWait" additionally waits for the page to reload after entering the text.

4. In Selenium, describe the approach to waiting until a web page has fully loaded.

Selenium provides implicit and explicit waits to ensure the web page is fully loaded. Implicit waits set a default timeout, while explicit waits wait for a specific condition to be met before proceeding.

5. What is an alternative option to driver.get() method to open a URL in Selenium WebDriver?

An alternative to driver.get() is driver.navigate().to("url"), which also navigates the browser to the specified URL.

6. What are the four elements that you have to pass in Selenium?

Four parameters that need to be passed in Selenium are:

  • Host
  • Port number
  • Browser
  • URL
7. How do you type text in an input box using Selenium?

Clicking a Link by Full Text: driver.findElement(By.linkText("Menu")).click();

This command locates a link on the page with the exact text "Todayโ€™s deals" and clicks it, redirecting the user to the linked page.

Clicking a Link by Partial Text: driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("marks")).click();

8. How can you handle dropdowns in Selenium?

To handle dropdowns in Selenium, you can use the Select class. Here's a step-by-step approach:

  • Identify the dropdown element using one of the locators available in Selenium.
  • Create a Select object by passing the dropdown element as an argument.
  • Use the Select object to perform operations on the dropdown, such as selecting an option by index, value, or visible text.
  • You can also retrieve selected options, get all options, or check if the dropdown allows multiple selections.
9. What is data-driven testing in Selenium, and how can you implement it?

Data-driven testing is an approach where test cases are executed with multiple test data sets. It helps in testing different scenarios without duplicating test code. To implement data-driven testing in Selenium:

  • Store test data in external sources like Excel files, CSV files, databases, or JSON/XML files.
  • Read the test data from the external source within your test script.
  • Use loops or iterations to iterate through the test data sets.
  • Perform the test actions using the appropriate test.
10. Is it possible to automate Captcha?

Selenium cannot automate Captcha because its primary purpose is to prevent bots and automated programs from accessing sensitive information. As a result, automation test engineers are required to manually enter the Captcha, while the other fields can be filled in automatically.

11. How do you achieve synchronization in WebDriver?

It is a mechanism that involves more than one component to work parallel with each other. Synchronisation can be classified into two categories:

  • Unconditional: In this, we just specify the timeout value. We will make the tool wait for a while and proceed further.
  • Conditional: It specifies a condition and a timeout value. The tool waits to check for the condition and then returns if nothing happens.
12. What are the different types of TestNG Listeners in Selenium?
  • IAnnotationTransformer
  • IAnnotationTransformer2
  • IConfigurable
  • IConfigurationListener
  • IExecutionListener
  • IHookable
  • IInvokedMethodListener
  • IInvokedMethodListener2
  • IMethodInterceptor
  • IReporter
  • ISuiteListener
  • ITestListener
13. What exactly does a WebElement in Selenium mean, and how is it used?

The WebElement is an interface in Selenium used to represent an HTML element on a web page. It provides methods to interact with the web elements, such as clicking, entering text, and getting the value. It identifies and manipulates the web elements in the automation testing process.

14. How will you use Selenium to upload a file?

If the file is on the same machine or on a mapped network drive, it is straightforward: We have to just type the โ€˜pathโ€™ of the file in the FileUpload control.

driver = webdriver.Firefox()
element = driver.find_element_by_id("fileUpload")

15. Which language is not supported by Selenium?

Selenium supports many programming languages, including Python, Java, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript. PHP, on the other hand, is not natively supported by Selenium. While third-party libraries and frameworks can be used to integrate Selenium with PHP, Selenium does not have built-in support for PHP.

Selenium is consistently evolving, and there may be future updates or third-party integrations that offer support for PHP or other languages.

16. What is a wait statement in Selenium?

A wait statement in Selenium is used to pause the execution of a test script until a certain condition is satisfied or a specific duration has elapsed. This synchronisation approach ensures that the web application under test has fully loaded or that particular elements are ready for interaction, thereby minimising timing-related problems that could result in test failures.

17. How do XPath and CSS selectors differ from each other?

They are two common techniques used to find web elements in Selenium, each with its own syntax and applications. CSS selectors utilise a syntax derived from CSS, enabling the selection of elements based on their attributes and their relationships to other elements. In contrast, XPath is grounded in XML syntax, allowing for navigation through the HTML or XML tree structure to identify elements. Although both methods are generally supported by modern browsers, XPath tends to offer more reliable behaviour, while CSS selectors can exhibit slight variations across different browsers.

18. How do you handle HTTP errors in Selenium?

In Selenium, HTTP errors can be handled by checking the HTTP status code of the web page response. HTTP status codes indicate whether a web page was loaded successfully or if there was an error.
To manage HTTP errors in Selenium, you can follow these steps:

  1. Use the get() method from Selenium WebDriver to navigate to the web page.
  2. Retrieve the HTTP response status code by executing a JavaScript snippet through the execute_script() method in Selenium WebDriver.
  3. Evaluate the status code and address any errors as needed.
19. What is a hard assertion in Selenium?

In Selenium, a hard assertion is a type of assertion that results in a test failure if the expected condition is not met. If the condition outlined in a hard assertion is not satisfied, the test script will halt immediately and be marked as failed, preventing any further execution of the subsequent steps or test cases.

In simpler terms, a hard assertion functions as an assert statement that interrupts test execution and raises an exception if the anticipated condition isn't fulfilled. This is different from a soft assertion, which permits the test script to proceed even if the expected condition fails, allowing for the accumulation of test results to be reported at the conclusion of the test.

20. When utilising the click command, is it possible to use screen coordinates?

To target a specific area within an element, you should employ the clickAt command. The clickAt command takes an element locator along with x and y coordinates as its parameters, formatted as follows: clickAt (locator, cordString).

Selenium Interview Questions for 3 Years Experience

1. What is Selenium WebDriver?

Selenium WebDriver is the programming interface of Selenium that provides a way to interact with web browsers. It allows users to write scripts in programming languages to automate browser actions.

2. Is Selenium WebDriver a library?

No, Selenium WebDriver is not a library. It is a framework that provides a set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for interacting with web browsers.

3. Is Selenium WebDriver an interface or a class?

Selenium WebDriver is an interface. Different browser-specific implementations of this interface are provided, such as ChromeDriver, FirefoxDriver, etc.

4. What are the different types of WebDriver Application Programming Interfaces in Selenium?

There are three main WebDriver APIs in Selenium:

  • WebDriver (Browser control)
  • WebElement (Web page elements interaction)
  • Navigation (Browser navigation)
5. What programming languages does Selenium WebDriver support?

Selenium WebDriver is compatible with various programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript.

6. What is WebdriverIO?

WebdriverIO is a modern test automation framework for native mobile and web applications. The library is built with JavaScript on top of standard libraries and is pretty straightforward to get up and running with using NPM. Many developers use WebdriverIO because it works natively with Node.js and presents an updated way of automated testing in their projects.

7. How would I locate elements on an HTML page?

You can find an individual element on a webpage using the findElement() method. In this way, you can locate and perform specific actions on your webpage elements, such as buttons or text fields. After identifying an element, you would be able to perform several kinds of actions, such as clicking, typing text, and reading content, just like a user would do on your website.

8. How can I find elements if I know only a part of their identifier?

You can use the contains() function to find the elements, knowing only partial information on their identification. For instance, if you know that somewhere in the name, "user" is present: //*[contains(@name,'user')]. Very useful if you work with content in which some parts of identifiers are generated dynamically.

9. Which web driver provides high-speed performance?

HTMLUnit Driver is the fastest one. It provides your test with very high speeds.

10. How can I validate the text on the page?

Here's a simple example of how you might check the text:
javaCopyWebElement el = driver.findElement("ElementID")
String text = el.getText();
Assert.assertEquals("Element Text", text);

11. How do I press multiple keyboard keys at once in Selenium WebDriver?

You can use special keyboard actions when pressing multiple keys together (like ALT, SHIFT, and CONTROL). Here's a simple way to do this:
Here is the syntax for the same:

Actions actions = new Actions(driver)
actions.keyDown(Keys.ALT).keyDown(Keys.SHIFT) .keyDown(Keys.CONTROL).sendKeys('test') .build() .perform();

12. How do I upload files in my tests using Selenium WebDriver?

You can upload files using the sendKeys command and the file's location, e.g., element.sendKeys (file path). Ensure your webpage has an input element with type="file" to handle the upload. This approach mimics how users usually upload files through a browser.

13. How are setSpeed() and sleep() different from each other?

These are two different ways to add delays in your tests:
With sleep(), your test pauses once for a specific time (like waiting 2 seconds) before moving on. It's like taking a quick break at one specific point.
For example, for 2 seconds, wait and use the thread.sleep(2000)

With setSpeed(), each action in your test will pause for the time you specify. This is helpful when you're demonstrating features or working with slower applications. It's like adding a slight pause between each step.
Ex: Similarly, for 2-second pause, use - selenium.setSpeed(โ€œ2000โ€)

14. What are heightened-privilege browsers?

Heightened-privilege browsers operate in a special mode designed to grant extended permissions beyond standard browser operations. This mode serves a similar purpose to Proxy Injection, enabling websites to perform actions that are typically restricted. The main distinction is that the browser is launched with elevated capabilities in heightened-privilege mode. This allows Selenium Core to interact directly with the Application Under Test (AUT), including reading and writing its content, without routing all AUT data through the Selenium RC server.

15. How do I submit forms?

There are two straightforward ways to submit forms:

Use the submit() method directly: element.submit()
Click the submit button using the click() method

16. How do I work with frames when they don't have names or IDs?

You can find all frames on a page using driver.findElements(By.xpath("//iframe")). This creates a list of frames you can check until you find what you want. It's like looking through each window in a building until you find the right one.

17. How can you handle colours in a web driver?

You can handle colours in a web driver by using the getCSSValue(arg0) method. This method retrieves the specified CSS property value, such as colour, by providing the property name as an argument.

18. How do I control the browser window size?

You can adjust your browser window size using maximise () to make it full screen or minimise () to shrink it. This is helpful when you must test how your website looks at different sizes.

19. Which tests work best with automation?

Automation works particularly well for:

  • Tests that use lots of different data
  • Complex scenarios that need consistent checking
  • Tests that interact with databases
  • Tests you run frequently
  • Critical features that need regular checking
  • Tests with many different combinations
  • Visual or graph-related features
  • Tests that take a long time to run manually
20. When should I avoid using automation?

Some situations where manual testing makes more sense:

  • Testing how something looks or feels
  • Brand new features that are still changing
  • Early development phases
  • Testing the overall user experience
  • Very complex features that change often
  • Initial quality checks
  • Simple tests that aren't run often
  • First-time installation testing

Selenium Interview Questions for 4 Years of Experience

1. What open-source frameworks does Selenium WebDriver support?

Selenium WebDriver is compatible with various programming languages, such as Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript.

2. What is WebDriver's super interface?

The SearchContext interface is the super interface of WebDriver. It defines the basic methods for finding elements.

3. Explain the following line of code.

Java WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='username']"));
This line of code uses XPath to locate a web element, specifically an input field with the id attribute equal to 'username', and assigns it to the variable "element."

4. Is the utilisation of Selenium Server mandatory for executing Selenium WebDriver scripts?

No, the Selenium Server is not mandatory for executing Selenium WebDriver scripts. Selenium Server is mainly used in Selenium Grid setups for parallel execution.

5. What are the potential outcomes if the given command is executed?

The given command is an example of locating a web element using XPath. It finds an input field with the id attribute 'username' and assigns the corresponding WebElement to the variable 'element.'

6. How do you enable a disabled textbox?

You can enable a disabled HTML element by modifying its attributes using the .removeAttribute("disabled") method. Below is an example using a JavaScript executor to enable a textbox:

String script = โ€œdocument.getElementsByName('name')[0].removeAttribute('disabled');";

7. Which command moves forward by one page in the browser history?

The navigate().forward() command is used to move the browser forward by one page in its history. It works like clicking the forward button in the browser.

8. How can you use regular expressions in Selenium?

Regular expressions can be used in Selenium by prefixing a text value with the keyword regexp. This treats the text as a regular expression.

9. Whatโ€™s the method for entering text into a textbox element with the help of  Selenium?

You can enter text into a textbox by using the sendKeys() method with the following code:

WebElement searchTextBox = driver.findElement("srch"));

10. What command should be utilised if an event reload happens after you've entered text?

The typeAndWait command is utilised when an event reloads following the input.

11. How can we delete the cookies in Selenium?

Cookies can be deleted in Selenium using the deleteAllCookies() method. Here's an example:


12. How can you double-click on an element in Selenium?

You can double-click on an element using the Actions class.

Actions action = new Actions(driver);
WebElement e =driver.findElement("elementId"));

13. What are the desired capabilities in Selenium WebDriver?

Pairs of keys and values that are utilised to set up properties specific to the browser, including the platform, browser version, and various other configurations.

14. How can you locate a web pageโ€™s links?

You can find all links by locating elements with the tag name a.
The code is:

List<WebElement> link = driver.findElements(By.tagName("a"));

15. When should Selenium Grid be used?

Selenium Grid allows for the execution of test scripts across different platforms and browsers at the same time. This method not only saves time but also facilitates testing in diverse environments.

16. Explain โ€œnodeโ€ in Selenium Grid.

A node is a machine connected to the grid hub that is responsible for executing test scripts. Unlike the hub, which manages test distribution, the grid can have multiple nodes to run tests on different environments.

17. What are some features of Selenium 4?

Selenium 4 introduces several new features, including:

  • W3C Compliance: Ensures more stable cross-browser tests by adhering to W3C WebDriver standards.
    Enhanced Selenium Grid: Redesigned for ease of use and includes Docker support, enabling containerised test environments.
  • Relative Locators: These locators (e.g., above, below, toLeftOf, toRightOf, near) allow you to find elements based on their position relative to other elements.
  • Tab and Window Management: Selenium 4 allows managing multiple tabs or windows within the same session without requiring a new driver instance.
  • Discontinued Support: Native support for Opera and PhantomJS has been removed due to the end of their WebDriver development.
  • New Selenium IDE: Updated IDE available for Chrome and Firefox, with the ability to export tests to programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, and C#.
  • Improved Documentation: Selenium 4 provides more comprehensive and detailed documentation.
18. What is Selenium Gridโ€™s hub?

The hub is the central server in Selenium Grid that manages and controls test executions across connected machines.

19. What is the main purpose of testng.xml file?

The testng.xml file in TestNG serves as a configuration file for defining and organizing test suites, test groups, and test methods. It provides flexibility in:

  • Organizing Tests: You can group multiple test classes or methods into a single suite or create specific test groups for execution.
  • Execution Control: Allows prioritization, parameterization, and parallel execution of tests.
  • Test Selection: Enables selective execution of specific tests or groups, skipping unnecessary tests.
  • Parameterization: Supports passing parameters to test methods from the XML file.
  • Parallel Testing: Configures parallel execution across multiple threads or machines.

This file simplifies managing complex test scenarios and ensures efficient test execution.

20. What are the types of Seleneium WebDriver APIs?

Selenium offers the following WebDriver APIs:

  • InternetExplorer Driver
  • Firefox Driver
  • HTMLUnit Driver
  • Android Driver
  • Safari Driver
  • Gecko Driver
  • EventFiringWebDriver
  • Chrome Driver
  • Opera Driver
  • iPhone Driver

Selenium Interview Questions for 5 Years Experience

1. What is the difference between driver.get() andโ€œurlโ€)?

Both methods navigate to a URL, but driver.get() is a simpler form, while driver.navigate().to("url") is part of the navigation interface and offers additional navigation options.

2. What are the differences between driver.close() and driver.quit()?

driver.close() closes the current browser window, while driver.quit() method shuts down all open browser windows and ends the WebDriver session. driver.quit() is generally preferred to ensure a clean shutdown of the WebDriver and release associated resources.

3. Identify scenarios where Selenium WebDriver is not capable of automation.

Selenium WebDriver is not suitable for automating:

  • Graphics-based CAPTCHA solving.
  • Desktop applications.
  • Handling operating system-level pop-ups.
  • Image-based comparisons (visual testing).
  • Scenarios involving barcode readers.
4. What does the term "Object Repository" refer to in Selenium WebDriver?

An Object Repository in Selenium WebDriver is a centralised location where web elements and their locators are stored. It helps maintain and organise locators separately from the test scripts, promoting reusability and ease of maintenance. Object Repositories can be implemented using properties files, XML files, or using in-built mechanisms in certain test automation frameworks.

5. What are the data-driven framework and keyword-driven framework?

A data-driven framework is a test automation framework that separates the test data from the test script. It allows testers to write automated tests in a way that is independent of the test data.

6. How do you use a CSS Selector to find elements by class?

CSS selectors use .className to find elements belonging to a specific class. For example, the student will select all elements with the class student.

7. How do you use a CSS Selector to find elements by ID?

CSS selectors use #idValue to find elements by their ID. For instance, #studentId will select the element with the ID studentId.

8. How can CSS Selectors target elements based on their attribute values?

CSS selectors use [attribute=value] to target elements with a specific attribute and value. For example, [type=id] will select elements where the type attribute has the value id.

9. What should you do if XPath functions canโ€™t identify a web element?

When web elements change dynamically during software development and XPath functions fail, XPath axes can be used to identify these elements more effectively.

10. What are XPath Axes?

XPath axes are methods for locating nodes relative to a context (current) node in an XML document. They are particularly useful for finding dynamic elements that standard locators cannot identify.

11. What is a Context Node?

A context node refers to a specific node in the Document Object Model (DOM) that is a starting point for locating or interacting with web elements. It helps narrow the search scope, improving efficiency and accuracy when working with complex or nested web elements.

12. What verification points are available in Selenium?

In Selenium IDE, Verification points are implemented using Selenese Verify and Assert commands. In Selenium WebDriver: There are no built-in verification features. Testers can code custom verification points, such as:

  • Checking the page title.
  • Verifying the presence of specific text.
  • Ensuring elements like text boxes, buttons, or dropdowns are present.
13. Is the FirefoxDriver a class or an interface?

FireFix Driver fulfills the WebDriver interface. It belongs to Java class.

14. What is the WebDriverโ€™s super interface?

SearchContext is the WebDriverโ€™s super interface.

15. What is the line of code WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

Webdriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
In this line, 'WebDriver' acts as an interface, and we are establishing a reference for the type of WebDriver by creating an instance of the FirefoxDriver class.

16. Give the difference between Borland Silk and Selenium.
Selenium Test ToolSilk Test Tool
Silk Test is a paid tool.Selenium is free and open-source.
Limited to Internet Explorer and Firefox.Compatible with various browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Opera.
Uses its test scripting language.Supports multiple languages like Java, Ruby, and Perl.
Suitable for testing client-server applications.Designed specifically for web application testing.
17. Explain how to find broken images on a page using Selenium.

To detect broken images on a webpage:

  • Use XPath to locate all image elements ( <img /> tags).
  • Retrieve and check the image URLs.
  • Open each link and check for error responses like "404" or "500" in the page title.
18. Explain how to switch between frames.

To switch between frames, use the driver.switchTo().frame() method with one of the following:

Index: Specify the frame index starting at 0.
Name/ID: Use the name or ID attribute of the frame.
WebElement: Use a previously identified WebElement representing the frame.

19. Explain how you can use a recovery scenario with Selenium.

Recovery mechanisms depend on the programming language being used. For Java: Implement exception handling using try-catch blocks to manage unexpected scenarios during test execution.

20. How do you manage test data in Selenium to ensure reusability and maintainability across test cases?
  • Use external data sources like Excel, CSV, or databases for data-driven testing.
  • TestNG's @DataProvider or JUnit's @ParameterizedTest helps in passing data sets dynamically.
  • Maintain separate test data files to decouple data from scripts, enhancing reusability.
  • Use encrypted files or environment variables for sensitive data to ensure security.
  • Before and after each test execution, I implement data cleanup strategies to maintain consistency.

Selenium Interview Questions for 7 Years Experience

1. How to manage pop-ups, alerts, and other browser windows in Selenium?

Selenium provides various methods for handling browser windows, pop-ups, and alerts.


Use `driver.switchTo().alert()`. Next,`accept()`, `dismiss()`, and `sendKeys()` to interact with the alert.


Locate the pop-up element and interact with it like you do with any other web element.

New Windows

First, obtain a list of all the open window handles using `driver.getWindowHandles()โ€.
Next, use `driver. switch ().window(windowHandle)` to use a specific window.

2. How does โ€œimplicit waitโ€ differ from โ€œexplicit waitโ€?

The implicit wait is a global setting that instructs Selenium to wait several seconds before throwing an exception if it cannot locate an immediately available element. The implicit wait applies to all subsequent โ€œfind elementโ€ commands.

Explicit wait, on the other hand, is an exact wait mechanism that waits for a specific condition like element visibility or clickable status to become true before moving on to the next step in the code.

3. Explain TestNG and how it is superior to JUnit.

TestNG is an open-source, sophisticated testing framework that developers and testers use to automate tests for software applications. On the other hand, JUnit is an equally popular open-source unit testing framework used widely by Java developers and testers to enhance the code quality in Java applications.

Comparatively, TestNG offers more benefits than JUnit. It allows developers to:

  • Use advanced and simple annotations
  • Develop execution patterns
  • Execute multiple test scripts simultaneously
  • Define test case dependencies.
4. What is the process of using JavaScript to scroll down a page?

Here are some methods to scroll down a page using JavaScript:

Using scrollBy()

This method allows you to scroll the webpage with a specific number of pixels.

  • General Syntax: executeScript("window.scrollBy(x-pixels, y-pixels)")
  • X-pixels: Horizontal scroll amount or use 0 if you donโ€™t want horizontal scrolling.
  • Y-pixels: Vertical scroll amount where the positive values scroll down and negative values scroll up.
5. How do you retrieve the CSS properties of an element?

To get the CSS properties of an element in Selenium WebDriver, use the getCssValue() method:

  • Step 1: Identify the web element using a locator such as, By.className()).
  • Step 2: Find the value of the desired CSS property using the getCssValue(): Call the getCssValue("property-name") method on the found element.

To retrieve the background colour of an element with ID "header", use this code:

String backgroundColor = driver.findElement("header")).getCssValue("background-color");

This code finds the element with the ID โ€œheaderโ€ and gets its background colour. You can change โ€œbackground-colourโ€ to any other CSS property name to see its value.

6. How do you handle dynamic shadow DOM elements in modern web applications?

javaCopySearchContext shadow = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("parent-element")).getShadowRoot();
WebElement elementInShadowDOM = shadow.findElement(By.cssSelector("element-in-shadow"));

This approach helps you interact with elements inside shadow DOM, which is common in modern web components.

7. What strategies do you use for handling flaky tests in large test suites?

The most effective approach combines several strategies:

  • Implement custom wait conditions using WebDriverWait
  • Create retry mechanisms for unstable elements
  • Use soft assertions for non-critical validations
  • Implement test result analytics to identify patterns in failures
  • Use page load strategies like "normal", "eager", or "none" based on application behavior.
8. How do you implement parallel test execution with dynamic thread allocation?

javaCopy@Test(threadPoolSize = 3, invocationCount = 10, timeOut = 1000)
public class TestClass {
ThreadLocal driver = new ThreadLocal<>();

public void setup() {
driver.set(new ChromeDriver());

This ensures thread safety while maximizing resource utilization.

9. What approaches do you use for database validation in Selenium tests?
  • Create a separate database connection layer
  • Use database snapshots before/after test execution
  • Implement transaction rollback after tests
  • Use database comparison tools for complex data validation
  • Cache database results for frequently accessed data
10. How do you handle microservice-based application testing?
  • Implement service virtualisation for dependent services
  • Use wiremock for API mocking
  • Create separate test suites for service integration
  • Implement circuit breaker patterns for service failures
  • Monitor service health during test execution
11. What's your strategy for handling complex AJAX-based dynamic content?

javaCopyWebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(10));

12. How do you implement visual regression testing in Selenium?
  • Integrate tools like Applitools or Percy
  • Implement custom screenshot comparison logic
  • Handle dynamic content masking
  • Create a baseline image management system
  • Implement resolution-specific comparisons
13. What's your approach to handling browser performance metrics?

javaCopyLogEntries logs = driver.manage().logs().get(LogType.PERFORMANCE);
for (LogEntry entry : logs) {
if (entry.getMessage().contains("Network.responseReceived")) {
// Analyze network performance

14. How do you handle multi-factor authentication in test automation?
  • Implement API bypasses for authentication
  • Use test user pools with disabled MFA
  • Create mock authentication services
  • Handle OTP generation programmatically
  • Implement session management for authenticated states
15. What strategies do you use for cross-browser testing optimisation?
  • Implement browser-specific wait conditions
  • Create adaptive element location strategies
  • Use browser capability profiles
  • Implement responsive design testing
  • Handle browser-specific JavaScript execution
16. How do you handle complex file downloads and uploads?

javaCopyChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
HashMap<String, Object> prefs = new HashMap<>();
prefs.put("download.default_directory", downloadPath);
options.setExperimentalOption("prefs", prefs);

17. What's your approach to handling complex iframes and nested frames?
  • Create frame context managers
  • Implement recursive frame searching
  • Handle dynamic frame loading
  • Implement frame timeout handling
  • Create frame navigation history
18. How do you implement data-driven testing with external data sources?
  • Create data providers for different data sources
  • Implement data transformation layers
  • Handle data versioning
  • Create data cleanup strategies
  • Implement data validation layers
19. What's your strategy for handling geolocation testing?

javaCopyChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
Map<String, Object> coordinates = new HashMap<>();
coordinates.put("latitude", 37.7749);
coordinates.put("longitude", -122.4194);
options.setExperimentalOption("geoLocation", coordinates);

20. How do you handle complex state management in large applications?
  • Implement state management patterns
  • Create state restoration mechanisms
  • Handle cookie and local storage management
  • Implement session state verification
  • Create state cleanup strategies

Selenium Interview Questions for 8 Years Experience

1. What are the strategies to enhance the performance of Selenium tests?

To improve the performance of Selenium tests, you can:

  • Use explicit waits instead of Thread.sleep()
  • Use parallel execution using JUnit or TestNG
  • Use the Page Object Model (POM) to enhance maintenance
  • Implement proper test data management
  • Use locator strategies like ID and CSS
  • Update Selenium and browser devices
  • Minimise browser windows for quicker rendering
2. What are the strategies to handle dynamic web elements in Selenium?

To handle dynamic web elements, you can:

  • Use partial locators( contains(), starts-with(), and ends-with()) in the XPath.
  • Use WebDriverWait for explicit waits
  • Implement the custom expected conditions
  • Use JavaScript Executor to find elements
3. How to manage cookies in Selenium?

You can manage cookies in Selenium by:

  • Adding a cookie: driver.manage().addCookie(new Cookie("key", "value"));
  • Deleting a cookie: driver.manage().deleteCookieNamed("key");
  • Deleting all cookies: driver.manage().deleteAllCookies();
  • Getting a cookie: Cookie cookie = driver.manage().getCookieNamed("key");
4. What are the strategies to handle StaleElementReferenceException?

To handle the StaleElementReferenceException, you can:

  • Relocate the element before interacting with it
  • Implement custom retry logic
  • Use try-catch blocks to catch and handle the exception
  • Use WebDriverWait with ExpectedConditions
5. How to test email content that requires verification in Selenium?

Integration with email APIs or services is a must to test email content in Selenium. To do this, you can:

  • Set up a test email account
  • Use a temporary email service
  • Register the user to trigger the mail
  • Assert the email content
  • User libraries like JSoup for HTML emails
  • Use JavaMail API or a REST API to fetch the latest mail
6. What functionalities does Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2.0) provide?

Selenium WebDriver offers several essential functionalities:

  • Managing multiple frames, pop-ups, browser windows, and notifications
  • Drag-and-drop actions for Ajax-based UI elements
  • Advanced support for testing across multiple browsers
  • Improved compatibility with various browsers compared to earlier versions
7. What challenges might arise when using WebDriver with unsupported browsers?

The primary issue is that the "findElement" operation may not work as intended when running tests on browsers not officially supported by WebDriver.

8. How can you use Selenium WebDriver to identify broken images on a webpage?

Selenium WebDriver can help detect broken images on a webpage by following these steps:

  • Use XPath or tag names to identify all image elements on the page.
  • Check the "src" attribute of each image to validate its accessibility.
  • Optionally, send an HTTP request for the "src" URL and verify the response code.
9. How do you hover over a web element in Selenium WebDriver?

The Actions class is used to hover over web elements. Example:

Copy code
Actions action = new Actions(driver);

10. What is a Selenium Maven project?

A Selenium Maven project uses Maven for dependency management and build automation in Selenium test scripts.

11. How do you select a value from a dropdown in Selenium WebDriver?

Use the Select class to handle dropdowns. Example:

WebElement dropdownElement = driver.findElement("dropdownID"));
Select dropdown = new Select(dropdownElement);

// Options to select

12. How do you identify broken links in Selenium WebDriver?

Broken links can be detected by:

  • Fetching all URLs from the webpage using driver.get().
  • Sending HTTP requests to these URLs.
  • Checking HTTP response codes (e.g., 200 for valid links and 404 for broken ones).
13. Name some commonly used tools for functional test automation.

Examples include QTP, TestComplete, RFT, and Silk Test.

14. Name some commonly used tools for non-functional test automation.

Examples include LoadRunner, JMeter, WebLoad, NeoLoad, Silk Performer, HP Performance Center, Gatling, and Apache.

15. Which tools can integrate with Selenium for continuous testing?

Common tools include Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI, AWS CodePipeline, Azure DevOps, and Bitbucket Pipelines.

16. What are the WebDriver-supported drivers for mobile testing?
  • AndroidDriver: For testing Android apps on real devices or emulators
  • IPhoneDriver: For testing iOS apps on real devices
  • RemoteWebDriver: For testing mobile web apps across browsers
  • Selendroid: For testing Android apps on real devices or emulators
17. What is the main disadvantage of implicit wait?

The primary drawback is that it can prolong test execution, as WebDriver will wait for the entire duration before timing out. This may lead to flakiness if elements appear after the specified timeout or introduce delays even when the element is already available.

18. How can we launch different browsers in Selenium WebDriver?

To launch different browsers in Selenium WebDriver, you can utilise browser-specific drivers. Here's a breakdown of the process for some commonly used browsers:

  • Chrome: System.setProperty("", "path_to_chromedriver");
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
  • Firefox: System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "path_to_geckodriver");
    WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
  • Edge: System.setProperty("webdriver.edge.driver", "path_to_edgedriver");
    WebDriver driver = new EdgeDriver();
  • Safari: SafariDriver comes pre-installed on macOS, so no additional driver setup is required.
    WebDriver driver = new SafariDriver();

Ensure you have the appropriate driver executable for the browser installed and set up in your system path.

19. What are the different methods to refresh a web page in WebDriver?

You can refresh a web page in Selenium WebDriver using several approaches:

Using driver.navigate().refresh(): driver.navigate().refresh();
Using driver.get() with the current URL: driver.get(driver.getCurrentUrl());
Using the sendKeys() method to simulate a keyboard shortcut: driver.findElement(By.tagName("body")).sendKeys(Keys.F5);
Using JavaScript Executor: JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;

These methods effectively reload the page and can be chosen based on your specific requirements.

20. How to invoke an application in WebDriver?

To invoke an application in Selenium WebDriver, you primarily use the get() or navigate().to() methods:

Using get() Method: driver.get("");
This is the simplest method to open a web application.

Using navigate().to() Method: driver.navigate().to("");
This method is useful if you need navigation features like back or forward.

Selenium Interview Questions for 10 Years Experience

1. What are the navigation commands in Selenium WebDriver, and what are their functions?

driver.navigate().to("")- To navigate the provided URL
driver.navigate().refresh() - To refresh the current page
driver.navigate().forward()- Similar to clicking the forward button on any browser
driver.navigate().back()- Similar to using the back button on any browser

2. What mouse functions can be performed with Selenium?

The following mouse functions that can be performed with Selenium are:

mouseMove(WebElement element, long xOffset, long yOffset)
click(WebElement element)
mouseUp(WebElement element)
mouseMove(WebElement element, long xOffset, long yOffset)
mouseDown(WebElement element)
mouseMove(WebElement element)
doubleClick(WebElement element)

3. What do you do when an elementโ€™s ID changes dynamically on each page load?

To handle this scenario, you can use:

  • Partial ID matching with XPath: //input[starts-with(@id, 'partial_id')]
  • Stable attributes like name, class, or data-* attributes
  • Parent-child relationships in your locator strategy
  • Implement custom dynamic locators using JavaScript.
4. How to handle a slow-loading element in Selenium?

To handle a slow-loading element in Selenium, you can:

  • Set a higher implicit wait time:
  • driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(Duration.ofSeconds(30));
  • Use explicit waits for the specific element rather than relying on global implicit waits.
  • Check network conditions to ensure the test environment is not experiencing network delays.
5. How can we get text from a web element?

The Get command retrieves the inner text of a specified web element. It doesn't require any parameters and returns a value for the type string. This command is commonly used to verify web pages' messages, labels, errors, and other text elements.

6. What is a "headless browser" in Selenium?

A headless browser is a web browser that runs without a graphical user interface (GUI). In Selenium, popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox can operate in headless mode, allowing tests to execute without displaying a browser window. This is especially beneficial for accelerating test execution and conducting tests on servers or environments that lack a graphical user interface (GUI).

7. How do you manage authentication in Selenium?

The approach depends on the type of authentication:

  • Basic Authentication: Add credentials to the URL as
  • Forms-Based Authentication: Identify and interact with login fields to input credentials and submit the form.
  • OAuth/APIs: Use dedicated libraries or scripts to handle token-based or advanced authentication workflows.
8. Explain Selenium Grid.

Selenium Grid is a tool designed to run tests in parallel across several machines and browser configurations, improving efficiency and coverage. It works with two main components:

Hub: The main server that receives test requests and distributes them to available nodes based on the desired browser and platform.

Nodes: Environments or machines where tests are executed using specified browser instances and configurations.

9. List the practices for writing robust and maintainable Selenium tests.
  • Page Object Model (POM): Encapsulate web elements and actions in separate classes to enhance reusability and modularity.
  • Explicit Waits: Ensure reliable interactions by waiting for specific conditions before proceeding with actions.
  • Error Handling: Manage exceptions gracefully to ensure test stability and provide useful debugging insights.
  • Data-Driven Testing: Keep test data external, allowing flexibility and easier updates without modifying test scripts.
  • Independent Tests: Design tests to function independently, avoiding interdependencies between cases.
  • Organised Structure: Use meaningful test names, logical groupings, and comments to maintain clarity and ease of maintenance.
10. What strategy would you use to test a web application that involves intricate user interactions or asynchronous processes?
  • Wait Strategies: Use explicit or fluent waits to handle asynchronous events and dynamic loading effectively.
  • JavaScript Execution: Utilize JavaScript for direct engagement with elements or to check hidden states and attributes.โ€™
  • Frame Management: Seamlessly navigates and interacts with nested iframes when required.
  • Test Data Organization: Maintain well-structured test data to ensure consistency and reliability in test scenarios.
11. How would you handle frequent UI changes impacting Selenium tests?
  • Stable Locators: Use structural relationships or attributes for durability.
  • Dynamic Locators: Adapt to element changes dynamically.
  • Explicit Waits: Give time for UI updates to take effect.
  • Page Object Model: Centralize UI logic for easy maintenance.
  • Regular Reviews: Update tests proactively.
12. Explain how JUnit or TestNG contribute to Selenium testing.

These frameworks:

  • Organise tests into suites or categories.
  • Annotations: Define dependencies and test methods.
  • Reporting: Generate detailed execution reports.
  • Parallelisation: Run tests concurrently for efficiency.
13. What difficulties are faced in testing for cross-browser compatibility?
  • Rendering Variations: It is possible for various browsers to interpret elements uniquely.
  • JavaScript Behavior: Scripts may function differently across browsers.
  • Accessibility: Varying browser support for accessibility features.
  • CSS Inconsistencies: Styling issues can occur.
14. How do you combine Selenium with Jenkins or JIRA?
  • JIRA: Link test results with issues using APIs.
  • Jenkins: Incorporate Selenium in CI pipelines for automated testing.
  • Reporting Dashboards: Leverage tools like Allure for visualisation.
15. What advantages does utilising Selenium platforms such as BrowserStack and Sauce Labs offer?
  • Scalability: Handle large-scale testing effortlessly.
  • Accessibility: Test across a variety of browsers and OS combinations.
  • Cost Efficiency: Eliminate the need for local systems.
  • Integration: Support for reporting tools and CI/CD.
16. What steps do you take to make sure that your Selenium tests are both dependable and easy to maintain?
  • Stable Locators: Use resilient element identifiers.
  • Explicit Waits: Mitigate timing issues.
  • Page Object Model: Simplify test structure.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keep tests updated.
17. What is regression testing? Why is it important?
  • Definition: Validates that fresh modifications do not disrupt existing functionality.
  • Importance: Ensures software stability and prevents bugs from slipping into production.
  • Selenium Role: Automates repetitive regression test cases for efficiency.
18. What are some suggestions for crafting effective Selenium tests?
  • Clear Objectives: Set test goals.
  • Focused Tests: Test single functionalities.
  • Explicit Waits: Ensure UI readiness.
  • Data-Driven Testing: Segregate data from logic.
  • Descriptive Names: Make variables and methods intuitive.
19. What was your learning experience like when you tested different web applications using Selenium?
  • React: Manage component-generated dynamic elements.
  • Angular: Manage Angular-specific locators effectively.
  • Vue.js: Test Vue.js applications with awareness of their element structure.
20. Describe the role of Selenium in Continuous Integration/Delivery (CI/CD).
  • Selenium streamlines CI/CD by automating test cycles.
  • Regression and Smoke Tests: Ensure the quality of builds.
  • Fast Feedback: Detect issues early through automated runs.
  • Reliable Builds: Enhance stability through consistent testing.

Selenium Interview Questions for 13 Years Experience

1. Why is Selenium preferred over QTP?

Many developers and testers prefer Selenium over Quick Test Professional (QTP) because Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool that is free, as opposed to QTP, which requires a significant investment. Selenium is also compatible with many programming languages and operating systems, making it easy to work with.

2. How are getwindowhandles() and getwindowhandle() different from each other?

The `getWindowHandle()` method provides a distinct identifier for the current browser window. On the other hand, the `getWindowHandles()` method delivers a collection of unique identifiers for all browser windows that WebDriver has opened.

3. What are the benefits of combining Seleniumโ€™s Page Object Model (POM) with Java?

The combination of Page Object Model (POM) and Java delivers a bounty of benefits such as:

  • Enhance code readability
  • Easier code maintenance
  • Minimised code duplication
  • Reduced test script size
  • Improved code and web element reusability
  • Easy modification of the web pages and elements
4. Explain an Action in Selenium WebDriver with Java and provide a code example. 

An Action in Selenium WebDriver using Java is a class that offers methods to carry out intricate user interactions such as:

  • Dragging and dropping an element
  • Hovering over an element
  • Double-clicking

This feature is handy for simulating a userโ€™s interaction with a web page. Hereโ€™s a classic example of executing a drag-and-drop action:

Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
WebElement sourceElement = driver.findElement(โ€œsourceโ€)); WebElement targetElement = driver.findElement(โ€œtargetโ€)); actions.dragAndDrop(sourceElement, targetElement).build().perform();

5. How can we handle the application's extensive use of shadow DOM?

To handle this scenario, you can use:

  • JavaScript to access shadow DOM elements.
  • Browser-specific commands like Chrome's /deep/ combinator.
  • Custom locator strategies to pierce shadow DOM
  • New versions of Selenium with better shadow DOM support
6. How do you address challenges in testing Single-Page Applications (SPAs)?

Testing SPAs involves:

  • Dynamic Content: Use explicit waits or JavaScript execution to handle elements that load dynamically.
  • Asynchronous Operations: Manage asynchronous tasks and AJAX calls using explicit or fluent waits.
  • Client-Side Routing: Verify navigation and routing functionality, ensuring accurate state changes.
  • Virtual DOM: Understand how SPAs leverage virtual DOMs and how Selenium interacts with them.
7. What is the future of Selenium and automation testing?

Key trends include:

  • Ongoing Development: Regular updates to tackle new testing challenges and technologies.
  • AI Integration: Leveraging AI/ML for automated test case generation and defect detection.
  • Cross-Browser Testing: Supporting diverse browsers and platforms seamlessly.
  • Cloud Testing: Increased use of scalable cloud-based testing platforms.
8. What are MaxSession properties in Selenium Grid?

MaxSession determines the total number of browser instances, regardless of type/version, that can run concurrently on a remote machine. It overrides MaxInstances settings.

Example: maxSession=2 allows two browsers to run concurrently.

9. What are MaxInstances properties in Selenium Grid?

MaxInstances specifies the number of browser instances of the same version that can run simultaneously.

10. How do you handle web-based pop-ups or alerts in Selenium?

Use the Selenium WebDriverโ€™s Alert API to interact with alerts:

  • dismiss(): Click the โ€œCancelโ€ button.
  • accept(): Click the โ€œOKโ€ button.
  • getText(): Retrieve alert text.
  • sendKeys(): Input text into an alert box.
11. What happens if you mix Thread.sleep and WebDriver wait?

Mixing both causes longer execution times, as Thread.sleep adds a fixed delay, while WebDriver waits dynamically and adjusts based on conditions. Using both together unnecessarily extends the test duration.

12. What is the Robot Class in Selenium?

The Robot Class automates keyboard and mouse interactions with OS-level pop-ups or applications (e.g., file upload/download).

  • Simulates keyboard/mouse actions.
  • Integrates with various automation frameworks.
  • Handles native OS elements like alerts or file dialogues.

Key Methods:

  • keyPress(): Simulates pressing a key.
  • mouseMove(): Moves the pointer to specific coordinates.
  • mousePress() / mouseRelease(): Simulates mouse clicks.
  • keyRelease(): Releases pressed keys
13. How to run a Selenium test from the command line?
  • Create a testng.xml file in your project directory.
  • Ensure all required Selenium JARs are stored in a lib folder.
  • Set the classpath: set classpath=ProjectDirectory\bin;ProjectDirectory\lib\*;
  • Execute the XML file: java org.testng.TestNG testng.xml
14. How do you connect a database in Selenium?
  • Load the JDBC driver: Class.forName("net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver");
  • Establish a connection: Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://ip:port/db", "user", "password");
  • Execute queries: Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
  • ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM table");
    while ( { System.out.println(rs.getString("column")); }
  • Close the connection: con.close();
15. How do you launch a batch file in Selenium WebDriver?

Use the Runtime.exec method: Process batchFile = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("path_to_batch_file");

16. Which Selenium tool supports distributed testing?

Selenium Grid enables parallel test execution across multiple machines, OS, and browsers, reducing execution time and speeding up feedback.

17. What is a StaleElementException?

This occurs when a web element is no longer attached to the DOM (e.g., due to page updates). Interacting with such elements throws this exception. Refreshing the element reference can resolve the issue.

18. How do you handle performance testing using Selenium?

Selenium is not a dedicated performance testing tool, but you can integrate it with tools like JMeter or write custom scripts to measure response times for specific actions.

  • Use Selenium to simulate user actions and capture timing data through libraries like Javaโ€™s System, nanoTime(), or Pythonโ€™s time.
  • Integrate with tools like JMeter for concurrent virtual user simulation.
  • Capture browser performance metrics using browser developer tools integration with Selenium, such as Chrome
  • DevTools Protocol (CDP).
  • Focus on UI rendering, load times for dynamic content, and application responsiveness for a comprehensive analysis.
19. What are the best practices for designing a Selenium automation framework for large-scale projects?
  • Modularity: Use the Page Object Model (POM) to separate test scripts from UI element locators and methods.
  • Reusability: Create utility libraries for common actions like login, navigation, and file handling.
  • Parameterisation: Use external files like Excel, JSON, or databases for test data to support data-driven testing.
  • Parallel Execution: Leverage Selenium Grid or cloud platforms like Sauce Labs or BrowserStack.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Integrate with Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or similar tools to enable automated test execution in the pipeline.
  • Reporting: Implement detailed reporting frameworks like Extent Reports or Allure for actionable insights.
20. How do you handle multi-tab or multi-window testing in Selenium?

Use getWindowHandles() to retrieve all window/tab handles and switchTo().window(handle) to switch between them.
For a newly opened tab or window:
String parentHandle = driver.getWindowHandle(); // Store parent window handle
Set handles = driver.getWindowHandles();
for (String handle: handles) {
if (!handle.equals(parentHandle)) {
// Perform actions on the new tab or window
driver.switchTo().window(parentHandle); // Switch back to the parent window
Ensure proper synchronisation using explicit waits for tabs/windows to load entirely before switching.

Selenium Interview Questions for 15+ Years Experience

1. What is the Page Object Model and its benefits?

Page Object Model or POM is a design pattern that serves as a directory for web UI elements. Each web page should be associated with its page class, which is tasked with locating the WebElements on that page and executing actions on them. It:

Facilitates separate operations and flows in the UI from Verification and improves code readability.
Enables multiple tests to use the same Object Repository because it is independent of test cases.
Enables reusability of code.

2. How to click on a hyperlink in Selenium?

The command `driver.findElement(By.linkText("Today's deals")).click();` locates the element using its link text and then clicks on it, resulting in the user being redirected to the relevant page.

Similarly, `driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("Service")).click();` identifies the element by utilising a substring of the link specified in the parentheses. This method, `partialLinkText()`, helps to find the desired web element.

3. Is it possible to type in a textbox without using send keys ()?

Absolutely! You can input text into a textbox by utilising JavaScriptExecutor:

JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;

4. What is โ€œassertionโ€ in Selenium?

Assertion in Selenium refers to a testing method used to determine whether a specific condition is true or false. In the context of Selenium, assertions help confirm the state of elements on a webpage or the results of an action. They can be used to verify the:

  • Presence or absence of an element
  • Values within an element
  • Text displayed by an element
  • Visible or hidden state of an element

Assertions are crucial in confirming your application behaves as expected. Without them, it would be impossible to determine the success or failure of your tests.

5. What are XPath Absolute and XPath Attribute?

XPath consists of two primary types of expressions: absolute and relative.

  • Absolute expressions always commence with a forward slash (/), signifying the document's root element. In contrast, relative expressions do not begin with a forward slash and are based on the current context.
  • Attributes are also essential in XPath. They are added to elements and can provide important information about them. To access an attribute, use the at sign (@) followed by the attribute name.
6. How do you design a robust test automation strategy for a complex microservices-based web application?
  • Considerations for API testing alongside UI automation.
  • Integration of tools like Postman or Rest-Assured for backend validation.
  • Handling dynamic content and dependencies between microservices.
  • Incorporating service virtualisation tools like WireMock or MockServer.
7. How can you leverage Selenium with CI/CD pipelines for large-scale enterprise applications?
  • Steps to integrate Selenium with Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, or Azure DevOps.
  • Managing test suites for nightly runs and on-demand executions.
  • Strategies to handle flaky tests in continuous testing.
  • Handling dynamic environment configurations.
8. How do you optimise Selenium test execution for high-performance environments?
  • Techniques like test parallelisation using Selenium Grid or cloud services.
  • Use lightweight browsers like Headless Chrome or Firefox for faster execution.
  • Best practices to minimise DOM interaction overheads.
  • Strategies to isolate and reduce flaky test cases.
9. How do you handle advanced browser interactions like file uploads/downloads in headless mode?
  • Configuring browser profiles for handling downloads automatically.
  • Using JavaScript Executor for custom file handling operations.
  • Implementing solutions like Robot Class or AutoIT for native OS dialogues.
10. How do you test browser security and cookie management using Selenium?
  • Validating secure (HTTP-only, SameSite) cookie attributes.
  • Automating tests to check for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) issues.
  • Handling scenarios involving authentication tokens and session expiry.
11. What are your strategies for maintaining a scalable Selenium automation framework?
  • Managing dependencies using tools like Maven or Gradle.
  • Modularising test scripts with reusable components and libraries.
  • Designing for easy integration with reporting tools like Allure or Extent Reports.
  • Managing versioning of test suites in large teams using Git.
12. How do you debug and resolve synchronisation issues in Selenium test automation?
  • Advanced use of Explicit Waits and Fluent Waits.
  • Debugging dynamic element loading issues using developer tools like Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP).
  • Writing custom ExpectedConditions for specific scenarios.
13. Can you explain how Selenium interacts with different browser architectures and drivers?
  • Deep dive into how WebDriver communicates with browser-specific drivers (e.g., ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver).
  • Challenges in integrating Selenium with newer browser versions.
  • Handling remote WebDriver configurations for distributed environments.
14. How do you ensure cross-browser compatibility for a web application using Selenium?
  • Strategies for defining a cross-browser test matrix.
  • Automating cross-browser tests using cloud-based platforms like BrowserStack or Sauce Labs.
  • Handling browser-specific behaviours or quirks using conditional code or custom locators.
15. How do you incorporate AI/ML into Selenium testing for improved efficiency?
  • Tools like or Applitools for visual testing using AI.
  • Using machine learning models to prioritise or generate test cases.
  • Predicting and addressing flaky tests with AI-based anomaly detection tools.
16. How do you handle dynamic tables in Selenium WebDriver?

To handle dynamic tables in Selenium WebDriver, locate the table using a unique identifier like id or class. Use findElements to retrieve all rows (tr) and then iterate through each row to fetch columns (td). Apply conditional checks within the loop to match the desired cell content for specific data. To interact with elements like buttons or links inside the table, construct dynamic XPath expressions targeting particular cells. Handle tables with dynamically loading rows using explicit waits to ensure components are visible before interacting. If the table has pagination, automate navigation by clicking the "Next" button until all pages are processed. This approach simplifies handling dynamic table content and ensures accurate data extraction or interaction.

17. Explain the concept of parallel execution in Selenium WebDriver.

Parallel execution in Selenium WebDriver allows multiple test cases to run simultaneously, speeding up the testing process. It is typically achieved using Selenium Grid or test frameworks like TestNG or JUnit. Selenium Grid distributes tests across multiple machines and browsers, ensuring efficient resource utilisation. TestNG supports parallel execution through its configuration file (testng.xml) by setting the parallel attribute to "methods," "tests," or "classes" and defining the thread count. This approach reduces overall execution time, enhances test coverage across different environments, and ensures quicker feedback on test results, making it ideal for large-scale or time-sensitive projects.

18. How do you handle keyboard and mouse events in Selenium WebDriver?

Handling keyboard and mouse events in Selenium WebDriver involves the use of the Actions class. Here are simple pointers:

  • Instantiate the Actions Class:

Actions actions = new Actions(driver);

  • Perform Keyboard Actions:

To send keys: actions.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER).perform();
To press a key: actions.keyDown(Keys.CONTROL).perform();
To release a key: actions.keyUp(Keys.CONTROL).perform();

  • Perform Mouse Actions:

To hover over an element: actions.moveToElement(element).perform();
To click:;
To right-click: actions.context-click(element).perform();
To drag and drop: actions.dragAndDrop(source, target).perform();

  • Chain Multiple Actions:

Use action methods together for complex sequences, ending with perform().

  • Adjust Coordinates for Precision:

Use moveByOffset(x, y) to interact with specific screen positions.

19. How do you handle timeouts in Selenium WebDriver?

Handling keyboard and mouse events in Selenium WebDriver involves using the Actions class. Here are simple pointers:

  • Instantiate the Actions Class:

Actions actions = new Actions(driver);

  • Perform Keyboard Actions:

To send keys: actions.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER).perform();
To press a key: actions.keyDown(Keys.CONTROL).perform();
To release a key: actions.keyUp(Keys.CONTROL).perform();

  • Perform Mouse Actions:

To hover over an element: actions.moveToElement(element).perform();
To click:;
To right-click: actions.context-click(element).perform();
To drag and drop: actions.dragAndDrop(source, target).perform();

  • Chain Multiple Actions:

Use action methods together for complex sequences, ending with perform().

  • Adjust Coordinates for Precision:

Use moveByOffset(x, y) to interact with specific screen positions.

20. What is the difference between @BeforeTest and @BeforeMethod annotations in TestNG?

In TestNG, the @BeforeTest and @BeforeMethod annotations are used for setup tasks, but they differ in their scope and execution timing:

@BeforeTest: Runs once before any test methods in a tag in the TestNG XML file.
Typically used for setup tasks everyday to all test methods, such as initialising resources shared across tests (e.g., database connection, WebDriver setup).

@BeforeMethod: Runs before every individual test method in a class.
Typically used for tasks specific to each test, such as resetting test data, navigating to a start page, or clearing browser cookies.


public void setupSuite() {
System.out.println("Runs once before all test methods in the suite.");

public void setupTest() {
System.out.println("Runs before each test method.");


Our meticulously curated section of Selenium interview questions covers all the important queries you may face during your job interview.ย 

However, the best way to master Selenium is to understand its basic concepts and their real-world applications. At Aimore Technologies, Chennai, our world-class courses and Selenium training help elevate your software testing and automation skills.ย 

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Sugumar S

Sugumar S

Sugumar S, a seasoned Selenium Trainer, brings nine years of expertise to the field. Holding a Bachelor's degree from Anna University, he stands as a pillar of knowledge and proficiency in software testing. Sugumar's passion for cinema and music mirrors his dynamic approach to teaching, infusing creativity and enthusiasm into his training sessions.

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