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The Ultimate Playwright Automation Framework Tutorial

December 30, 2024
Rows of robots standing in front of a monitor displaying software, illustrating automation with Playwright.

The Playwright automation framework, developed by Microsoft, is a significant element in web development. Understanding Playwright's core aspects lays the groundwork for creating efficient and reliable automation scripts that adapt to diverse development landscapes. Read our Playwright automation tutorial to gain in-depth insights into its benefits, challenges, features, and installation process.

What is Playwright?

Playwright is a cross-browser framework and an open-source test automation library that supports multiple programming languages like Java, Python, C#, and NodeJS, making it adaptable to various development environments. Playwright has an Apache 2.0 License, and developers using NodeJS and JavaScript/TypeScript favour it for its flexibility and ease of integration into existing projects. It is widely used for automated, end-to-end testing of web applications across different browsers using the same API. With its ability to run frequent tests, Playwright ensures your web application functions smoothly. By default, it operates using a headless browser.

Why Choose Playwright for Automation?

When evaluating automation tools, Playwright stands out due to its unique browser interaction approach since its first release in 2020:

  • Communicates with browsers by leveraging underlying browser protocols directly. This ensures quicker, more reliable communication, reducing errors and enhancing efficiency.
  • Executes commands faster by bypassing the intermediary layer, providing a smoother testing experience.
  • Handles complex web elements, seamlessly managing iframes and Shadow DOM, which is challenging for other tools.
  • Offers automatic waiting, intelligently pausing test execution until web elements are ready, reducing test flakiness and ensuring reliable outcomes.
  • Complete test isolation enhances robustness, allowing each test to run independently without interference.

What is Playwright Architecture?

Exploring Playwrightโ€™s architecture reveals meaningful comparisons with Selenium, especially regarding communication protocols. Selenium sends each command as an independent HTTP request, resulting in JSON responses. This method involves separate HTTP requests for interactions like opening a browser window or clicking an element, leading to longer response times and increased error likelihood.

In contrast, Playwright uses a single WebSocket connection to communicate with all drivers. This enhances test stability by maintaining a continuous connection with all drivers until testing concludes. It reduces response times and minimises errors, improving test reliability.

Playwrightโ€™s architecture follows a robust client-server model:

  • The client consists of your code or script interacting with Playwrightโ€™s API.
  • The server comprises backend processes executing your commands by interacting with browsers.
  • A dedicated communication protocol ensures reliable command execution and test stability.

Is Playwright Automation Popular?

Yes, Playwright is rapidly gaining popularity due to its modern design, advanced features, and suitability for testing contemporary web applications. Playwright is a preferred tool for developers and testers, thanks to its modern design and functional features:

  • Its speed and ease of use allow you to focus on writing practical tests.
  • The framework's ability to handle complex automation tasks with minimal overhead optimises workflows without compromising performance.

Organisations value Playwright's efficiency and reliability, delivering consistent results across browsers and devices.

What are the advantages of a Playwright automation framework?

In test automation, Playwright excels with advantages that enhance efficiency and reliability by releasing new features every month. Key benefits include:

  • Easy installation requires minimal configuration, and the setup time is quick. The installation steps may vary depending on the programming language.
  • Supports multiple browsers like Firefox, Chromium (Chrome and Edge), and WebKit (Safari).
  • Versatile support for multiple programming languages like C#, Python, Java, and JavaScript or TypeScript.
  • Supports API, end-to-end, functional, and accessibility testing with third-party plugins.
  • Supports parallel browser testing across multiple browsers and executes simultaneous tests using Browser Context.
  • Effortlessly handles scenarios requiring interactions with multiple tabs or browser window operations.
  • Creates customised reporters and uses third-party options like Allure. Also has built-in reporters such as JUnit, HTML, Line, JSON, List, and Dot.
  • Provides seamless, zero-configuration support for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • Offers Docker images for specific language bindings and smoothly integrates with CI/CD pipelines.
  • Offers debugging tools like Console Logs, Trace Viewers, VS Code, Playwright Inspector, Debugger, and browser developer tools.

As you explore Playwrights features, its capabilities extend beyond these advantages, offering more features to enhance your testing processes.

What are the features of playwright automation?

Playwright, a robust automation framework, offers key features enhancing its utility in web application testing. Standout features include:

  • Headless mode for continuous integration and delivery of CI/CD pipelines and headful mode for visual examination and debugging.
  • Ensures reliable test executionโ€”minimised flakiness by intelligently waiting, i.e. automatic waiting, for elements to become ready.
  • Enables interception and modification of network requests, which is helpful for API testing, mocking, and simulating various network conditions.
  • It facilitates the simulation of multiple user sessions or environments within a single test run, making it perfect for multi-user scenarios.
  • Delivers strong selector strategies, including the capability to work with dynamic elements, visibility-based selections, and managing iframes and Shadow DOMs.
  • Guarantees that tests run independently with built-in isolation, while also enhancing execution speed through parallel testing.
  • Takes screenshots and records videos of test executions, making debugging and documentation easier.

As you delve into Playwright's intricacies, its architecture and design reveal a framework built for modern testing challenges.

Also Read: Mastering Selenium Automation Testing: Your 2025 Guide

What are the Limitations of Playwright Automation?

While Playwright automation offers robust browser automation capabilities, it has limitations you should be aware of:

  • A primary constraint is limited support for non-browser protocols. Playwright can only handle HTTP/HTTPS and browser-specific protocols but does not extend support to protocols like FTP or file downloads, which can hinder testing requirements involving such protocols.
  • Another limitation is the lack of support for browser extensions. Playwright might not be ideal if testing involves browser extensions, as extensions may not function correctly when enabled during a session. Additionally, Playwright struggles with browser-specific features, like Firefoxโ€™s Reader Mode or Safariโ€™s Reading List, which might not work as expected.
  • Mobile browser support is another area where Playwright falls short. Although it offers mobile emulation, it does not fully support mobile browsers like Safari on iOS or Chrome on Android. Furthermore, Playwright does not support Internet Explorer, so alternative tools may be necessary if testing needs to include this browser.
  • Dynamic content poses a challenge for Playwright. Pages with heavy JavaScript or dynamic elements can cause issues, affecting test reliability.
  • The asynchronous nature of Playwright can introduce complexities, particularly for those unfamiliar with asynchronous programming, making it challenging to handle specific scenarios effectively.
  • Playwright installs necessary browsers, which can be problematic if testing requires a specific browser version or if disk space is limited.
  • Another crucial limitation is the lack of complete documentation. While the documentation is quite compelling, it can still lack some advanced examples and use cases, which is a significant concern for beginners.

These limitations can impact testing scenarios, especially if projects require extensive use of non-browser protocols, browser extensions, or specific browser features. Understanding these limitations can guide informed decisions about testing tools and strategies.

Hereโ€™s How to Get Started With Playwright Setup

To begin using Playwright, follow a structured setup process for a smooth transition into this robust automation framework. These steps allow for successful Playwright setup, test script creation, and result viewing, paving the way for efficient automation testing.

What is the Folder Structure of Playwright Automation Tool?

Launching Playwright creates a default folder hierarchy that is crucial for organising and executing tests efficiently. Understanding this structure helps you manage test scripts and configurations effectively.

  • .github: Dedicated to GitHub-specific configurations, like Actions workflows, essential for CI/CD processes, automating testing and deployment tasks directly from your GitHub repository.
  • node_modules: Contains all Node.js modules installed as project dependencies, automatically populated when installing packages using npm, ensuring necessary libraries are available for your project.
  • Tests: The primary directory where Playwright test files reside, where you create new test scripts for web application automation testing.
  • Tests-examples: Provides sample test files or templates as a guide for writing new tests, which is helpful for beginners starting with Playwright.
  • .gitignore: Specifies files and directories Git should ignore (e.g. node_modules, logs), ensuring unnecessary files are not included in your version control system.
  • package-lock.json: Auto-generated file capturing exact versions of installed dependencies, ensuring consistent environments across setups.
  • package.json: Metadata file for managing project dependencies, scripts, and configurations in Node.js, defining everything from the projectโ€™s name to its dependencies.
  • playwright.config.js: Playwright-specific configuration file defining browser settings, test directories, timeouts, and essential configurations, customisable to tailor Playwrightโ€™s behaviour to testing needs.

Imagine how this structured setup simplifies your testing workflow. Instead of managing files and configurations, you can focus on crafting effective tests.

How Do I Install and Run the Playwright Test Script?

To install and run a Playwright Test Script, follow these steps:

1. Make sure Node.js is installed on your computer. You can download it from the official website.

2. Now, set up a new Node.js project:

  • Open your terminal or command prompt.
  • Navigate to the directory where you want to create your project.
  • Initialise a new Node.js project by running:

3. Once your project is initialised:

  • Install Playwright via npm:
    npm install playwright
  • After the installation, download the required browser binaries by running:
    npx playwright install

4. Now, create a test script:

  • Create a new file, for example, example.spec.js, inside your project directory.
  • Add the following sample test code to the file:
const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');
     test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {
       await page.goto('');
       const title = await page.title();
       expect(title).toBe('Example Domain');

5. The next step is to run the test script:

  • To execute the test, use the Playwright test runner:
    npx playwright test
  • This command runs all tests in the tests directory by default. If your test file is in a different location, specify the path:
    npx playwright test path/to/your/test-file.js

6. After running the tests, Playwright will summarise the results in the terminal. You can generate and view an HTML report for a more detailed report.

npx playwright show-report

By following these steps, you can successfully install Playwright and run your first test script.

How to Run Your First Playwright Test on BrowserStack?

Running Playwright tests on BrowserStack allows leveraging a cloud-based testing platform, offering a seamless experience across various browsers and devices:

  • Create a BrowserStack account and get your Username and Access Key from the BrowserStack Dashboard.
  • Ensure Node.js and Playwright are installed on your system. If not, follow the installation steps for Node.js and Playwright as described previously. Next, incorporate the BrowserStack Playwright CLI into your project by executing:
    npm install @browserstack/playwright

This package facilitates Playwright integration with BrowserStack, enabling tests on their platform.

  • To configure Playwright for BrowserStack, modify your playwright.config.js file with BrowserStack-specific settings, like browser type and credentials. Here is an example configuration snippet:
    module.exports = {
      use: {
        browserName: โ€˜chromiumโ€™, // Or โ€˜firefoxโ€™, โ€˜webkitโ€™
        headless: true,
      projects: [
          name: โ€˜BrowserStackโ€™,
          use: {
            launchOptions: {
              args: [
            browserstack: {
              username: โ€˜YOUR_USERNAMEโ€™,
              accessKey: โ€˜YOUR_ACCESS_KEYโ€™,
  • Create a test file, such as test-on-browserstack.spec.js, and write your test script using Playwrights API. Here is a simple example:
    const { test, expect } = require(โ€˜@playwright/testโ€™); 
    test(โ€˜Run on BrowserStackโ€™, async ({ page }) => {
      await page.goto(โ€˜https//example.comโ€™); 
      const title = await page.title(); 
      expect(title).toBe(โ€˜Example Domainโ€™); 
  • Execute your test using the BrowserStack Playwright CLI with:npx browserstack-playwright test
  • View test execution results, screenshots, and logs on the BrowserStack dashboard.

These steps will enable you to easily run your first Playwright test on BrowserStack.

Why run Playwright Automation Tests on BrowserStack Real Device Cloud?

Running Playwright automation tests on BrowserStack Real Device Cloud empowers teams to deliver high-quality applications by leveraging a comprehensive, scalable, and efficient testing environment.

  • It allows you to test a broad range of Operating Systems and browsers, thus eliminating the need for a local testing infrastructure.
  • It allows simultaneous execution of multiple Playwright test suites and minimises the total testing time, enabling faster iterative feedback and accelerated deployment cycles.
  • Playwright automates test processes within the development pipeline by seamlessly integrating central continuous integration and delivery systems like Travis CI, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, and Jenkins.
  • BrowserStackโ€™s diagnostic capabilities, like video recordings, screenshots, and detailed logs of test sessions, help identify and resolve issues swiftly.
  • BrowserStack allows testing on real devices and cloud-based browsers, enabling accurate and real-world test results.
  • Using BrowserStack's user interface or APIs, users can customise their test executions according to specific requirements, allowing for flexible and managed test runs.

Is Playwright Better Than Selenium for Automation Testing?

In automation testing, both Playwright and Selenium are formidable tools, each with strengths and focus areas. Here's a detailed comparison to help you decide which is better for your use case:

Comparison between Playwright and Selenium.

Aspect Playwright Selenium
Ease of Setup Setup is straightforward with out-of-the-box browser binaries Requires separate browser drivers for each browser, which is time-consuming
Language and Framework Support Supports modern web development languages like JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, C#, and Java, aligning with the present trends of web development Offers broader language support, including Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript, making it versatile for teams with diverse programming expertise
Cross-Browser Compatibility Supports all modern browsers like Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit but is optimised for newer versions to ensure faster updates and support the latest web standards Supports all major browsers, including older versions, offering broader browser coverage
Debugging Features Provides robust debugging tools like the Playwright Inspector, Trace Viewer, and screenshot/video capture for test runs. Has limited built-in debugging tools and relies on browser developer tools for debugging
Test Reliability Has built-in automatic waiting mechanisms for elements and network stability to reduce flakiness. Prone to flaky tests due to synchronisation issues like page loading or element visibility
Parallel Execution Has native support for parallel execution using browser contexts, enabling more efficient and quicker test runs. Supports parallel execution through external libraries JUnit or TestNG
Ecosystem and Community Support Relatively new but has comprehensive documentation and active community support More established with a larger community and a rich ecosystem of tools, plugins, and integrations
Choosing Between the Tools Suitable for projects prioritising modern language support, ease of setup, and robust debugging tools Ideal for projects requiring extensive browser coverage and leveraging a larger community and ecosystem

Why Choose Playwright Automation as a Career?

Here are some reasons to pick Playwright Automation as a career choice:

  • Growing demand for automation skills:The demand for automation in software testing is skyrocketing, driving the need for Playwright experts. This career line is an exciting opportunity for those who aspire to be at the forefront of innovation.
  • Incredible cross-browser support:Playwrightโ€™s versatility allows you to test your applications across all major browsers, such as Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. This ensures flawless performance no matter where you access them.
  • Better productivity and efficiency:With Playwright, tedious manual testing is obsolete. The automation capabilities streamline testing processes, drastically reducing time and manual effort. As a result, teams can accelerate software release cycles and introduce innovative solutions at lightning speed.
  • An engaging and collaborative work environment:A career in a Playwright allows you to immerse yourself in cutting-edge technologies and software development projects. It is a community of creativity and teamwork that makes every day an engaging experience.
  • Competitive remuneration:The growing demand for valued professionals in this arena translates into attractive compensation packages and abundant opportunities for career advancement and fulfilling opportunities.

Who Should Learn Playwright Automation?

Playwright automation is ideal for the following professionals and enthusiasts:

  • Software testers, i.e. quality assurance professionals, aiming to improve their automation skills can leverage Playwright to boost testing efficiency and accuracy.
  • Software developers who want to test their applications more effectively can gain advantages by learning Playwright, which allows them to develop and integrate automated testing into their development workflows.
  • DevOps engineers working with CI/CD pipelines can use Playwright to maintain consistent application performance across various environments, making it a crucial skill for DevOps experts.
  • Tech enthusiasts with a passion for technology and automationโ€”who wish to delve into the latest testing frameworkโ€”will find Playwright an added asset to their skill set.
  • Students and beginners pursuing careers in software testing can begin their learning journey with Playwright, helping them secure a competitive edge in the industry job market.

What are the Prerequisites to Learning the Playwright Automation tool?

Before diving into Playwright automation, having a foundational understanding of specific concepts and skills can make the learning process smoother:

1. Basic programming knowledge: Familiarity with languages like JavaScript, Python, or C# is critical for writing Playwright test scripts.

2. Understanding web technologies: A good grasp of HTML, CSS, and DOM structure helps identify and interact with web elements.

3. Fundamentals of software testing: Knowledge of manual and automation testing concepts, such as test cases, scenarios, and frameworks, is advantageous.

4. Experience with version control: Familiarity with tools like Git for managing code repositories can be beneficial.

5. Command-line basics: Knowing how to navigate and execute commands in a terminal or command prompt helps run Playwright tests.


Playwright opens doors to new web testing realms, offering tools enhancing testing precision and automation efficiency. Embracing Playwright in your professional journey equips you to handle modern testing challenges, balancing innovation with proven methodologies.

As you consider advancing in this dynamic field, leveraging Playwrights features can greatly benefit your career trajectory. Enhance your Playwright automation skills and secure your future in IT with Aimore Technologies, the best training institute in Chennai. Our expert-led training paves the way for success in the ever-evolving tech industry. Ready to master Playwright automation? Connect with us today to begin your learning path!

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Sugumar S

Sugumar S

Sugumar S, a seasoned Selenium Trainer, brings nine years of expertise to the field. Holding a Bachelor's degree from Anna University, he stands as a pillar of knowledge and proficiency in software testing. Sugumar's passion for cinema and music mirrors his dynamic approach to teaching, infusing creativity and enthusiasm into his training sessions.

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